Field Mappings
Search Filters
Filter | Record | Mapping |
Placement Date |
1001/2001 or Notes Records (14xx, 24xx) |
Earliest of 1001/2001 Date_Forwarded or first note date (14xx, 24xx) |
Suit Date |
Notes Records (14xx, 24xx) |
Date of most recent note with suit filed pcode/vxcode |
Judgment Date - Judgments Report | 2201 | jdg_date |
Judgment Date - Advanced Search |
Notes Records (14xx, 24xx) |
Date of most recent note with judgment pcode/vxcode |
Post Judgment Date |
Notes Records (14xx, 24xx) |
Date of most recent note with post-judgment pcode/vxcode |
Receiver Id / Sender Id | 1001/2001 | forwarder_id / agent_id |
Latest Status |
Notes Records (14xx, 24xx) |
Waterfall of the following key events based on the existence of pcodes/vxcodes (CL -> PJ -> JG -> SV -> SF -> SNR -> DC -> DS -> ACK -> NACK) Finds accounts currently in this status. |
vExchange Code |
Notes Records (14xx, 24xx) |
code |
Consumer Name | 1101/2101 | First_name, last_name |
States | 1101/2101 | state |
Key Events | N/A | Finds accounts that have ever been in the selected status(es). For example, if an account went from NACK to ACK to CL, it would appear in the results if any of those statuses were selected. |
Archive Toggle | N/A | By client request |
Export Files
Export File | Record | Field Name |
Agent Fileno | 2001 | sender_int_file |
Archive Status | All Note Records(14xx/24xx) with valid archive code | Account is considered archived after receiving a valid close code in a Note record |
Charge Off Amount | 2002 | charge_off_amt |
Charge Off Date | 2002 | charge_off_date |
Claim Type | 1101/2101 | claim_type |
Closed Date | Most recent note with Closed Date pcode/vxcode | date_closed |
Closing Code | Most recent note with Closing Code pcode/vxcode - code column | closed_code |
Creditor Fileno | 2001 | cred_fileno |
Creditor Name | 2002 | name |
Current Balance | 2341 | net_claim_bal OR, if that is NULL, tot_prin_amount |
Date Acknowledged | first_ack (first key event from all notes records) | date_acknowledged |
Date Forwarded | 2001 | date_forwarded |
Debtor City | 1101/2101 | city |
Debtor Contacted Date | Most recent note with Debtor Contacted Date pcode/vxcode | date_debtor_contacted |
Debtor First Name | 1101/2101 | First_name |
Debtor Last Name | 1101/2101 | Last_name |
Debtor Postal Code | 1101/2101 | postal_code |
Debtor State | 1101/2101 | state |
Debtor Street | 1101/2101 | street |
Debtor Street2 | 1101/2101 | street2 |
Debtor ZIP Code | 1101/2101 | debtor_zip |
Demand Sent Date | Most recent note with Demand Sent Date pcode/vxcode | date_demand_sent |
First Payment Amount | first payment gross_pmt_amt from 2303 | first_payment_amount |
First Payment Amt | 2302/2303/2304 | gross_pmt from first payment |
First Payment Date | 2302/2303/2304 | posting_date from first payment |
Judgment Date | 1201/2201 or Most recent note with judgment filed pcode/vxcode | jdg_date |
Post Judgment Date | Note Records(14xx/24xx) | Date of most recent note with post-judgment pcode/vxcode |
Last Event | most recent key event note from all notes records | claim_last_event_code |
Last Payment Amount | 1001/2001/2303 |
gross_pmt_amt from the most recent 2303. If there is no 2303, amount_last_pmt from 1001 or 2001 if amount_last_pmt is not NULL or negative. |
Last Payment Date | 1001/2001/2303 |
fnds_release_dt from the most recent 2303. If there is no 2303, date_last_pmt from 1001 or 2001 if amount_last_pmt is not NULL or negative. |
Last Reopen Date | Most recent note with Reopen pcode/vxcode | date_reopened |
Original Claim Amount | 2001 | orig_prin |
Original Creditor Name | 2002 | orig_cred_name |
Original Interest | 2001 | orig_int |
Original Principal Amount | 1001/2001 | orig_prin |
Placement Balance | 1001/2001 | If there is a 1001, use orig_total if it’s not 0, otherwise use orig_prin+orig_int+orig_otherIf there is no 1001, apply the same logic to the 2001 record. |
Placement Date | 1001/2001 |
date_forwarded (If date_forwarded is empty, use date_est) |
Portfolio ID | 2001 | portfolio_id |
Post Judgment Date | All Note Records(14xx/24xx) | The Record Date of the most recent Note with a PJ event associated with it. |
Receiver Id | 1001/2001 | agent_id |
Receiver Name | VT Internal Records (Analytics or vPortal) | name |
Sender Fileno | 1001/2001 | sender_int_file |
Sender Id | 1001/2001 | forwarder_id |
Sender Name | VT Internal Records (Analytics or vPortal) | name |
Status | 2201 for suit and judgment statuses 1xxx/2xxx Note records (x401, x401, x405, x407, x410) |
The status is the first milestone in the list below that corresponds to a vExchange code in a x401, x402, x405, x407, or x410 record. (The codes are listed in reverse chronological order for the normal suit process, from finish to start): CL (closed - but not if it's been re-opened after it was closed.) If it has been re-opened after being closed, the status is one of the items from the list below. • PJ (post judgment) • JG (judgment) • SV (served) • SF (suit filed) • SNR (suit not recommended) • DC (consumer contacted) • DS (demand sent) • ACK (acknowledged) If none of the above status codes are present: • NACK (not acknowledged) Please see the latest vExchange documentation for a mapping of vExchange codes to key events. |
Suit Date | 1201/2201 or most recent note with suit filed pcode/vxcode | suit_date |
Suit Not Recommended Date | Most recent note with Suit Not Recommended Date pcode/vxcode | date_suit_not_recommended |
Summons Served Date | Most recent note with Summons Served Date pcode/vxcode | date_summons_served |
Exported fields vary based on the selected record type. For example, selecting 1001 or 2001 records will export placement fields while selecting a 2405 will export note fields. Please refer to vExchange documentation on specific record layouts.
Field Name | Description | ||
Gate Type | Custom Gate or Universal Gate. | ||
Category | Identifies the category of the gate rule. Available categories are: Affidavit, Compliance, Financial, and Operational. | ||
Rule | Displays the Rule Id, which is a numerical identifier for each available gate rule. | ||
Sender Fileno | The Sender’s file number. | ||
Sender Id | The account sender’s vExchange identification code. It is typically a 2-character state code followed by a 1-3 digit number (for example NJ1). It may also end with a subaccount extension to distinguish accounts by type or portfolio (for example, NJ1.MED and NJ1.AUTO). This field is one of the 4 keys used to determine a unique account on vExchange. | ||
Receiver Id | This field is one of the 4 keys used with sender_int_file, creditor_fileno, and forwarder_id to determine if the account exists in vExchange. If the 4 key combination does not already exist in vExchange, the record will reject. | ||
Record | Displays the record number, which identifies the vExchange record this information is associated with. | ||
Type | Rejection type will be defined as either an Exception or a Rejection. The value that returns is dependent on what is associated with the gate rule. | ||
Description | This is a detailed description of the reason for the rejection/exception. | ||
Record Date | The date associated with the record. For example, the date that a Note record was created in the client application. This differs from the Transmission date, which reflects when a record was processed. Hovering over this field will display details about the date being displayed. | ||
First Rejection Date | Date the record first rejected. The record failed 1 or more gate rules and was flagged as a rejection | ||
Remediation Date | Date the record was remediated. The record had previously been rejected, but new record(s) or information has since been sent to satisfy the previously failed gate rule(s). | ||
State | The name of the Receiver firm, if available. | ||
vX Code | A code that is used to inform account owners about a status or an action on an account. These codes are used to pass messages back and forth between Senders and Receivers. | ||
Status | The status of the account, following the waterfall of the following key events based on existence of pcode/vxcodes (Not Acknowledged -> Acknowledged -> Demand Letter Send -> Consumer Contacted -> Suit Not Recommended -> Suit Filed -> Suit Served -> Judgment -> Post Judgment -> Closed). | ||
Remediation Status | Possible Values: | ||
Status | Notes | ||
- Remediated - Sender Bulk Remediated - Remediated False Positive - Sender Manual Remediation |
- Automatically remediated based on business rules or additional data received. - Sender requested bulk remediation of specific accounts. - Determined to be an invalid rejection. - Sender manually remediated via the Analytics website. |
Court Costs | Recoverable costs awarded by the Court as of Effective_Date. The format of the value should not include dollar signs($), commas(,) and should have a decimal. The value 1000 will be interpreted by vExchange as 10.00. | ||
Payment Amount | Amount of payment in question. This field only appears for Financials reports related to payments. | ||
Trans Ref No | The unique ID/reference number for a financial transaction. | ||
Placement Date | Date the account was placed with the Receiver. | ||
DP Ref Num | This is the direct payment reference number from the dp_ref_num field of 2303 records. | ||
Ref Num | This is the remmittance reference number from the ref_num field of 2303 and 2304 records. |
Account Details
Top Section | Record | Field Name |
Sender Fileno | 1001/2001 | sender_int_file |
Creditor Fileno | 1001/2001 | cred_fileno |
Agent Fileno | 1001/2001 | agent_fileno |
Sender Id | 1001/2001 | forwarder_id |
Receiver Id | 1001/2001 | agent_id |
Claim Type | 1001/2001 | claim_type |
Placed Date | 1001/2001 |
date_forwarded (If date_forwarded is empty, use date_est) |
Placement Balance | 1001/2001 |
If there is a 1001, use orig_total if it’s not 0; otherwise use orig_prin+orig_int+orig_other. If there is no 1001, apply the same logic to the 2001 record. |
Current Balance | 1001/2001/2341 |
tot_prin_amt or net_claim_bal from the most recent 2341. If there is no 2341, show the Placement Balance. |
Last Payment Date | 1001/2001/2303 |
fnds_release_dt from the most recent 2303. If there is no 2303, date_last_pmt from 1001 or 2001 if amount_last_pmt is not NULL or negative. |
Last Payment Amount | 1001/2001/2303 |
gross_pmt_amt from the most recent 2303. If there is no 2303, amount_last_pmt from 1001 or 2001 if amount_last_pmt is not NULL or negative. |
Status |
2201 for suit and judgment statuses 1xxx/2xxx Note records (x401, x401, x405, x407, or x410) |
The status is the first milestone in the list below that corresponds to a vExchange code in a x401, x402, x405 x407, or x410 record. The codes are listed in reverse chronological order for the normal suit process, from finish to start. • CL (closed - but not if its been re-opened after it was closed). If it has been re-opened after being closed, the status is one of the items from the list below: • PJ (post judgment) • JG (judgment) • SV (served) • SF (suit filed) • SNR (suit not recommended) • DC (consumer contacted) • DS (demand sent) • ACK (acknowledged) If none of the above status codes are present: • NACK (not acknowledged) Please see the latest vExchange documentation for a mapping of vExchange codes to key events. |
All Phone Numbers | Record | Field Name |
Phone Source | 1102/2102 | phone_source |
Phone Number | 1102/2102 | phone_number |
Phone Index | 1102/2102 | phone_index |
Phone Priority | 1102/2102 | phone_priority |
Phone Type | 1102/2102 | phone_type |
Bank Info | Record | Field Name |
Bank | 1115/2115 | name |
Postal Code | 1115/2115 | postal_code |
State | 1115/2115 | state |
City | 1115/2115 | city |
Street | 1115/2115 | street |
Employer Info | Record | Field Name |
Employer | 1110/2110 | name |
Postal Code | 1110/2110 | postal_code |
State | 1110/2110 | state |
City | 1110/2110 | city |
Street | 1110/2110 | street |
Employee Info | Record | Field Name |
Employee Name | 1111/2111 | name |
Position | 1111/2111 | position |
Tenure | 1111/2111 | tenure |
Verified Date | 1111/2111 | verified_date |
Notes Panel | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 1xxx/2xxx
Note record |
date_est |
Note Date | 1xxx/2xxx
Note record |
date |
Comment | 1xxx/2xxx
Note record |
comment or description |
Code | 1xxx/2xxx
Note record |
code |
Firm | 1xxx/2xxx
Note record |
“Forwarder or “Receiver” based on which party sent the Note |
Rejection Status | 1xxx/2xxx
Note record |
source record |
Calls Panel | Record | Field Name |
Direction | 2401 | direction |
Phone Number | 2401 | phone_number |
Consumer Number | 2401 | cnsmr_number |
Contact Name | 2401 | contact_name |
Contact Type | 2401 | contact_type |
Date | 2401 | date |
Time | 2401 | start_time |
Arbitration Info Panel | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 1206/2206 | date_est |
Consumer | 1206/2206 | cnsmr_number |
Arbitration Firm | 1206/2206 | company |
Hearing Date | 1206/2206 | hearing_date |
Arbitrator | 1206/2206 | first_name |
1206/2206 | last_name | |
Hearing Location | 1206/2206 | hearing_state |
Case Number | 1206/2206 | case_number |
Filing Date | 1206/2206 | filed_date |
Award Date | 1206/2206 | award_date |
Total Award | 1206/2206 | award_amount |
Principal Award | 1206/2206 | award_principal |
Record Date | 1206/2206 | date_upd |
Attorney & Filing Info Panel | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 1209/2209 | date_est |
Consumer | 1209/2209 | cnsmr_number |
Attorney ID | 1209/2209 | court_atty_id |
Firm Name | 1209/2209 | firm_name |
Firm Address | 1209/2209 | firm_street |
Firm Address2 | 1209/2209 | firm_street2 |
Firm City, State, Zip | 1209/2209 | firm_city |
1209/2209 | firm_state | |
1209/2209 | firm_pcd | |
Firm Phone Number | 1209/2209 | firm_phone |
Motion Description | 1209/2209 | motion_desc |
Motion Date | 1209/2209 | motion_date |
Affidavit From | 1209/2209 | first_name |
1209/2209 | middle_name | |
1209/2209 | last_name | |
Affidavit Fee | 1209/2209 | fee |
Record Date | 1209/2209 | date_upd |
Court Info Panel | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 1209/2209 | date_est |
Consumer | 1209/2209 | cnsmr_number |
Court ID Number | 1209/2209 | court_id_number |
Address | 1209/2209 | court_street |
Address2 | 1209/2209 | court_street2 |
City, State, Zip | 1209/2209 | court_city |
1209/2209 | court_state | |
1209/2209 | court_pcd | |
County | 1209/2209 | court_county |
Country | 1209/2209 | court_country |
Phone number | 1209/2209 | court_phone_no |
Judge’s Name | 1209/2209 | jdg_first_name |
1209/2209 | jdg_middle_name | |
1209/2209 | jdg_last_name | |
Record Date | 1209/2209 | date_upd |
Debtor Attorney Panel | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 1120/2120 | date_est |
Consumer | 1120/2120 | cnsmr_number |
Attorney’s Name | 1120/2120 | name |
Attorney’s Firm | 1120/2120 | firm_name |
Attorney’s Address | 1120/2120 | street |
1120/2120 | city | |
1120/2120 | state | |
1120/2120 | postal_code | |
Fax | 1120/2120 | fax_number |
Phone | 1120/2120 | phone_number |
Record Date | 1120/2120 | date_upd |
Forwarded Account Info Panel | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 2299 | date_est |
Agent Id | 2299 | id |
Name & Address | 2299 | firm_name |
2299 | firm_name2 | |
2299 | postal_code | |
2299 | state | |
2299 | country | |
2299 | city | |
2299 | street | |
2299 | street2 | |
Contact Name | 2299 | name |
Phones | 2299 | phone_number |
Fax | 2299 | fax_number |
File Number | 2299 | agent_fileno |
Date Placed | 2299 | placed_date |
Date Forwarded | 2299 | placed_date |
Record Date | 2299 | date_upd |
Judgement Panel | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 1201/2201 | date_est |
Consumer | 1201/2201 | cnsmr_number |
Judgment recorded date | 1201/2201 | jdg_recorded_dt |
Judgment date | 1201/2201 | jdg_date |
Judgment amount | 1201/2201 | jdg_amount |
Judgment number | 1201/2201 | jdg_number |
Pre-judgment interest | 1201/2201 | pre_jdg_int |
Judgment cost | 1201/2201 | jdg_cost |
Judgment principal | 1201/2201 | jdg_prin |
Judgment balance | 1201/2201 | jdg_bal |
Judgment adjustment | 1201/2201 | jdg_adjust |
Interest flag | 1201/2201 | int_flag |
Statutory atty fee flag | 1201/2201 | stat_flag |
Judgment expiration date | 1201/2201 | jdg_expires_dt |
Judgment Granted | 1201/2201 | jdg_granted |
Judgment Granted For | 1201/2201 | jdg_granted_for |
Rate pre-judgment | 1201/2201 | pre_jdg_rate |
Rate post-judgment | 1201/2201 | jdg_int_rate |
Record Date | 1201/2201 | date_upd |
Liens Info Panel | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 1125/2125 | date_est |
Consumer | 1125/2125 | cnsmr_number |
Lien Date | 1125/2125 | lien_date |
Record Date | 1125/2125 | date_upd |
Plaintiff Defendant Info Panel | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 1202/2202 | date_est |
Consumer | 1202/2202 | cnsmr_number |
Plaintiffs | 1202/2202 | plaintiff |
1202/2202 | plaintiff2 | |
1202/2202 | plaintiff3 | |
1202/2202 | plaintiff4 | |
1202/2202 | plaintiff5 | |
1202/2202 | plaintiff6 | |
1202/2202 | plaintiff7 | |
Defendants | 1202/2202 | def |
1202/2202 | def2 | |
1202/2202 | def3 | |
1202/2202 | def4 | |
1202/2202 | def5 | |
1202/2202 | def6 | |
1202/2202 | def7 | |
1202/2202 | def8 | |
1202/2202 | def9 | |
Record Date | 1202/2202 | date_upd |
Service Info Panel | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 1203/2203 | date_est |
Consumer | 1203/2203 | cnsmr_number |
Service Date | 1203/2203 | date |
Service Type | 1203/2203 | type |
BOP Comment | 1203/2203 | bop_comment |
Record Date | 1203/2203 | date_upd |
SOL – New SOL Info Panel | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 2001 | sol_end_date |
SOL Date | 2001 | sol_end_date |
SOL – Placed SOL Info Panel | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 1001 | sol_end_date |
SOL Date | 1001 | sol_end_date |
Suit Dates Info Panel | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 1210/2210 | date_est |
Consumer | 1210/2210 | cnsmr_number |
Answer Due Date | 1210/2210 | answer_due_dt |
Answer Field Date | 1210/2210 | answer_filed_dt |
Default Requested Date | 1210/2210 | default_date |
Hearing Date | 1210/2210 | hearing_date |
Trial Date | 1210/2210 | trial_date |
Garn Date | 1210/2210 | tax_garn_award |
Record Date | 1210/2210 | date_upd |
Suit Info Panel | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 1201/2201 | date_est |
Consumer | 1201/2201 | cnsmr_number |
Suit issued date | 1201/2201 | suit_issued_dt |
Suit date | 1201/2201 | suit_date |
Suit amount | 1201/2201 | suit_amount |
Docket number | 1201/2201 | docket_number |
Contract fee | 1201/2201 | suit_cntrct_fee |
Statutory attorney fee | 1201/2201 | stat_fee |
Suit reason | 1201/2201 | suit_reason |
Court name | 1201/2201 | court_name |
Court designation | 1201/2201 | court_designate |
Court type | 1201/2201 | court_type |
Country | 1201/2201 | sheriff_country |
State | 1201/2201 | legal_state |
County | 1201/2201 | legal_county |
Record Date | 1201/2201 | date_upd |
Promise to Pay | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 1403/2403 | date_est |
Plan Date | 1403/2403 | trans_date |
Account Balance | 1403/2403 | bal_due |
First Date | 1403/2403 | sched_start_dt |
First Amount | 1403/2403 | first_amount |
Last Date | 1403/2403 | sched_end_dt |
Last Amount | 1403/2403 | last_amount |
Payment Amount | 1403/2403 | regular_amount |
# of Payments | 1403/2403 | tot_number |
Frequency | 1403/2403 | frequency |
Status | 1403/2403 | sched_status
Consumer | 1403/2403 | cnsmr_number |
Record Date | 1403/2403 | date_upd |
Record | 1403/2403 | 2403 |
Stipulation | Record | Field Name |
Date Stip Forw to Debtor | 1201/2201 | stip_mailed_dt |
Date Stip Rec from Debtor | 1201/2201 | stip_rcvd_dt |
Date Stip Filed with Court | 1201/2201 | stip_filed_dt |
Total Amount Agreed to in Stip | 1201/2201 | stip_tot_amt |
Direct Payments | Record | Field Name |
Date | 1301 | date |
DP Reference # | 1301 | ref_number |
Description | 1301 | comment |
Amt Paid | 1301 | cash |
Merchandise Amt | 1301 | merch_ret |
Amt Paid/No Fee Due | 1301 | no_fee |
Entity Paid | 1301 | entity_paid |
Posted | Record | Field Name |
Remit # | 2302 | ref_number |
Trans # | 2302 | trans_ref_no |
DP Reference # | 2302 | dp_ref_no |
Ret Code | 2302 | agnt_int_fin_cd |
Pay Date | 2302 | fnds_release_dt |
Post Date | 2302 | posting_date |
Remit Date | 2302 | date |
Gross Pay | 2302 | gross_pmt_amt |
Fees | 2302 | ttl_fee_earned |
Cost Ret. | 2302 | cost_returned |
Cost Exp. | 2302 | ta_cost_disb |
Balance Adjustment | 2302 | ta_adjustment |
Description | 2302 | desciption |
Historical Remittance | Record | Field Name |
Remit # | 2303 | ref_number |
Trans # | 2303 | trans_ref_no |
DP Reference # | 2303 | dp_ref_no |
Ret Code | 2303 | agnt_int_fin_cd |
Pay Date | 2303 | fnds_release_dt |
Post Date | 2303 | posting_date |
Remit Date | 2303 | date |
Gross Pay | 2303 | gross_pmt_amt |
Fees | 2303 | ttl_fee_earned |
Cost Ret. | 2303 | cost_returned |
Cost Exp. | 2303 | ta_cost_disb |
Balance Adjustment | 2303 | ta_adjustment |
Description | 2303 | desciption |
Live Remittance | Record | Field Name |
Remit # | 2304 | ref_number |
Trans # | 2304 | trans_ref_no |
DP Reference # | 2304 | dp_ref_no |
Ret Code | 2304 | agnt_int_fin_cd |
Pay Date | 2304 | fnds_release_dt |
Post Date | 2304 | posting_date |
Remit Date | 2304 | date |
Gross Pay | 2304 | gross_pmt_amt |
Fees | 2304 | ttl_fee_earned |
Cost Ret. | 2304 | cost_returned |
Cost Exp. | 2304 | ta_cost_disb |
Balance Adjustment | 2304 | ta_adjustment |
Description | 2304 | desciption |
Balance Update | Record | Field Name |
Transmission Date | 2341 | date_est |
Total Balance | 2341 | tot_bal_due |
Record Date | 2341 | date_est |
Disputes | Record | Field Name |
Sender File # | 1411/2411 | sender_int_file |
Creditor File # | 1411/2411 | cred_fileno |
Agent Id | 1411/2411 | agent_id |
Case Number | 1411/2411 | reference_no |
Comment | 1411/2411 | comment |
Resolved Date | 1411/2411 | returned_date |
Accounts with matching “comp_fileno” fields
Account Numbers | Record | Field Name |
Other File # | 1070/2070 | account_number |
Description | 1070/2070 | account_id |
Linked Accounts | Record | Field Name |
Sender File # | 1001/2001 | sender_int_file |
Creditor File # | 1001/2001 | cred_fileno |
Agent File # | 1001/2001 | agent_id |