FAQs About Your Collection-Master Subscription Agreement and User Licenses

1. What is a single ‘device’ in terms of our Collection-Master Subscription Agreement? 
  • A workstation, laptop, and RDP* user connection are each considered a single device for the purposes of your Subscription Agreement and each device login will use a subscription.
  • A Named User is licensed to access Collection-Master on a single device. However, as a courtesy, each Named User may access Collection-Master on a second device/connection, provided your second connection to Collection-Master does not exceed the total subscription users your firm has licensed.
  • If a Named User needs to log in to more than two devices simultaneously, that user will need an additional license.

* For purposes of these FAQs, “RDP” is used for Remote Desktop Protocol, a term which includes Remote Desktop Connection (RDC).

2. Can I use Collection-Master on my PC and my laptop simultaneously? 
  • You may use the same login to access a second courtesy device connection simultaneously, provided your second login does not cause your firm to exceed the total subscription users your firm has licensed.
    • For example, if your firm has a 40-user subscription, a maximum of 20 Named Users in the Vertican License Manager (VLM) may have two concurrent connections at any one time.

      • In this example, since 20 Named Users are using 40 devices/connections, the 41st user with a valid subscription will be denied access if the firm’s subscription limit is actively in use.

3. Are users allowed to open Collection-Master on more than two computers or RDP sessions simultaneously? 
  • If you wish to exceed two simultaneous device logins (one licensed and one as a courtesy, if available), you will need to purchase an additional subscription license for each additional device, including RDP sessions.
    • These new logins will be Named Users in the VLM.
  • As a courtesy, you may open two Collection-Master sessions on separate devices/RDP connections per subscribed user if the total number of subscription users for your firm has not been exceeded.
  • A Named User accessing Collection-Master on a single device may open nine instances (windows) of Collection-Master on that device.

4. What if we have automation sessions that open Collection-Master concurrently on more than two devices/RDP sessions? 
  • A Named User may have two simultaneous, concurrent connections to Collection-Master on separate devices, provided the firm does not exceed the total subscription user limit.
  • On a single device or RDP session, you may open nine separate instances of Collection-Master.
  • For more than a single device or RDP session, after the courtesy second device is used (if available), you will need to create new subscription users for additional automation sessions.
    • These new logins will be Named Users in the Vertican License Manager (VLM).

5. Multiple Named Users share the same device via an RDP. Is that allowed? 
  • Multiple subscription users may open Collection-Master on a single server using an RDP. However, the RDP session for each user is considered a device and requires a subscription license if different Named Users access the RDP simultaneously.
  • Each Named User will use a single-user subscription license in an RDP environment.
  • If a specific Named User accesses a second RDP connection simultaneously, that will count as the courtesy second session, provided the total subscription user limit is not exceeded.

6. How is our subscription user count affected if users are limited to two concurrent connections on separate devices/RDP sessions? 
  • The Vertican subscription is licensed to a single Named User on a single connection. As a courtesy, we allow a second device/connection if the system’s total number of concurrent users does not exceed the limit of the firm’s subscribed users.

7. Why does Vertican provide a free Administrator user? 
  • The free Administrator user is provided as a courtesy to manage the firm’s user subscriptions in the Vertican License Manager.

8. Can we subscribe to more Named Users to increase the total concurrent users allowed? 
  • Yes, the maximum number of concurrent users is based on the number of subscription licenses.
  • To add users, firm Admins and Support Coordinators will need to take the following actions, which are covered in the Help Center article How to Change Your Collection-Master Subscription User Count.
    • Add users in the vStore.
      • You will be charged a prorated amount for new users added during the month.
    • Run Tools > Interface Registration in Collection-Master.
    • Add new users in the Vertican License Manager (VLM).

9. How does the addition of users affect our support plan? 
  • The purchase of additional users may advance your firm to the next support tier. Pricing for each support tier can be found on the Collection-Master Subscription page in the vStore, as well as on the Help Center Pricing Charts on the CM / Q-Law tab.
  • If your firm’s user count advances your firm to the next support tier, the new support plan takes effect the following month.
  • As you change the user count, the vStore will show you if your support plan changes by displaying it in the Support Level field on the screen. You will also be notified of your monthly support plan via the monthly invoice reminder.
  • You do not need to manually select a higher support tier in the vStore. Your tier is automatically assigned based on user count.
  • For each successive support tier, the cost per user decreases and the technical support incidents increase, with other benefits covered in question #10.

10. If we subscribe to more users, what are the benefits? 
  • Gold Support Plan:
    • At 30-149 users, you receive 8 technical support incidents rather than the 2 that come with the Silver Support Plan.
    • The per user subscription price decreases to $65.
  • Platinum Support Plan:
    • At 150-349 users, you receive 12 technical support incidents.
    • These incidents are covered by an SLA*.
    • The per user subscription price decreases to $62.
    • Your firm receives one complimentary weekend/holiday technical support incident.
    • Your firm receives an assigned Account Manager.
  • Diamond Support Plan:
    • At 350 users, you receive 20 technical support incidents.
    • These incidents are covered by an SLA*.
    • The per user subscription price decreases to $59.
    • Your firm receives one complimentary weekend/holiday technical support incident.
    • Your firm receives an assigned Account Manager.
* Service Level Agreement (SLA): Defined as the Initial Response Time for a Severity Level 1 Incident. The exception is that Emergency Incidents during Normal Support Hours do not require Severity Level 1 designation. The severity level is determined solely by Vertican.

Help Center > Self-Help Resources > Collection-Master > FAQs About Your Collection-Master Subscription Agreement and User Licenses