How to Plan for Data Recovery in Collection-Master

Data Recovery with Collection-Master

Everyone knows that it’s essential to have a good backup, yet firms still find themselves without a backup at the worst possible time.

The first line of defense is a robust backup and disaster recovery policy. You must have multiple layers of backups and a backup retention policy, including backups that go back over time. A combination of onsite and offsite backups is essential.

Backup Best Practices

Many firms are using a virtual environment like VMWare or Microsoft. These environments allow you to provide sophisticated onsite backups that allow for quick recovery of information. Make sure to include multiple copies over time, so that you not only have a nightly backup for a week, but also weekly copies for a month, and then monthly copies for a year.

Another part of your strategy should be to ensure that your hardware and software is current. Update on your own schedule and not during the middle of a disaster. Use our compatibility guide to make sure that all of your products are running versions that are supported. “Supported” can be a confusing word as we will assist you if you are running in a “Non-Supported” environment, and we don’t actually provide service on your “Supported” third-party systems. In the latter case, “supported” means that your third-party system is compatible with Collection-Master.

Emergency Data Recovery

SQL-SYNC is included at no additional charge with your Collection-Master subscription. While we don’t have a “Restore From SQL-Sync” program, you can use the SQL-SYNC data for recovery in the event that your firm’s backup is insufficient. Use CM EDI to import information from SQL-SYNC into Collection-Master.

vExchange is included with your subscription (CMvX), and besides being a platform to provide EDI services and claims delivery, you can include your claims and use the Analytics website to view your claims along with reports. Any Forwarder with an EDI type is included, and you can choose CMVX for Forwarders that don’t have an EDI type. Again, while we don’t have a program to use the vExchange data for recovery, it’s available for emergencies through the website and may be used by Vertican to recover data.

Help Center > Self-Help Resources > Collection-Master > How To > How to Plan for Data Recovery in Collection-Master