How to Leverage the Collection-Master Dashboard


The goal of this document is to better understand how to take advantage of the Collection-Master Dashboard. Vertican implemented the Collection-Master Dashboard with version 7.1. Over a decade later, there are still a few people that use the “Legacy Full Menu.”

Collection-Master Dashboard

The Collection-Master Dashboard was designed to provide an intuitive interface to the main menu. It retains the advantages of using the keyboard, along with a modern mouse-driven interface.

Dashboard Advantages

Training New Staff

  • Many users have been using Collection-Master for a decade or more; these users are used to using the legacy menu.
  • New users do not have that experience, and the Dashboard is designed to make finding features in Collection-Master much easier.

Using the Mouse

  • The Dashboard provides icons and other visual elements that make using the mouse easier.

F10 Search

  • If you press F10 or click on the Binoculars, a search screen will pop up.
  • You can type any combination of words, and a list of matching menu items will be displayed. This feature looks for phonetic matches, so misspelled words often will find a match.

Group Security (disable menu items that do not apply)

  • Collection-Master has grown and sometimes there can be an overwhelming number of entries in the main menu.
  • Using Group Security Disable menu access (Set Security to “N”):
    • Disabled items will not display. You can greatly reduce the number of available choices, making it much easier to use the Dashboard navigation and searches.

Windows Menus

  • The Dashboard is also very friendly to keyboard users, preserving the old menu paths.
  • For users that want to use the mouse, you can use the “Windows Pull Down Menus.”
    • Main Menu (Traditional Keystrokes)

    • File > Export Menu

Help Center > Self-Help Resources > Collection-Master > How To > How to Leverage the Collection-Master Dashboard