“500 Series Record Rejected” Error

RR (Return Record) Rejection

What is the “500 Series Record Rejected” Error? 

The “500 Series Record Rejected” error indicates a problem with inventory reconciliation. Inventory reconciliation is a way to ensure that the primary keys on Senders’ claims match the primary keys on Receivers’ data. The primary keys are:

  • cred_fileno
  • sender_int_file
  • forwarder_id
  • agent_id

Collection-Master firms have had the ability to establish a new claim on vExchange even if the four keys did not match the Forwarder’s keys. This was to allow onboarding for Forwarders who were not yet on vExchange. However, this resulted in discrepancies in inventory and data delivery if there was a mismatch between one of your Forwarder’s keys and a key in the Collection-Master claim.

New Inventory Reconciliation Process effective March 30, 2023

If your Forwarder is an active Sender on vExchange, and you attempt to onboard a claim where one or more keys do not match the Forwarder’s data, you will receive a rejection file that contains the following message:

  • 500 series record rejected because the keys do not match existing vExchange Forwarder placement data. Please review, correct the claim, and reset the cache on the claim via [4-2-1-V-9-1].

Actions to Take

If you receive the above error message, please take these actions to ensure your data is processed as intended:
  • In Analytics:
    • Check the claim in Analytics by searching for one of the keys, such as cred_fileno or sender_int_file.
    • In the Records tab, as long as you see a 1000 series, this is the claim that was established by the Forwarder and contains the correct keys.
    • Remove any erroneous claim(s) not established by the Forwarder.
  • In Collection-Master:
    • Check the claim for the following keys in the Four Record Keys table below.
    • For those keys that do not match, correct the claim.
    • Reset the cache on the claim via [4-2-1-V-9-1].

Four Record Keys

All four keys must be present and match the Forwarder Placement Record 1001.

Key to Match vExchange Analytics Collection-Master
cred_fileno Creditor Fileno MASTER.FORW_FILENO

Placement screen in the “File” field next to the Forwarder Number.
sender_int_file Sender Fileno MASTER.FORW_REFNO

Placement screen in the “Ref” field next to the “File” field that is next to the Forwarder Number.
forwarder_id Sender Id MASFORW.EDI_ACCT_NO

Inside the Forwarder file [1-2-1-1] EDI Setup screen that is the Account # for the Forwarder.
agent_id Receiver Id Pulls from YouveGotClaims ID# in [1-S-4-8]
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