vExchange Native File Rejections
File Rejection Reasons
Rejection Reason |
Not a valid file encoding. Expected file encoding is Unicode (UTF-8). |
Invalid file extension (e.g. .xlsx, .pdf). |
File size is zero; cannot be processed. |
Invalid header standard. Header not numeric. The header must be numeric. |
Invalid data standard. No headers were found in the file. |
Invalid data standard. Line cannot be blank. |
Invalid data standard. Line consists of NULL. |
Invalid data standard. Line consists of N/A. |
Invalid data standard. First line cannot be blank. |
Invalid data standard. Contains invalid characters. Invalid characters are N/A and $. |
File contains records of a type that are not allowed for the Receiver. |
File contains records of a type that are not allowed for the Sender. |
Record is too short. Fields should be populated for the minimum requirements for the record. |
Invalid character at position #1. Not (#). The first character must be #. |
Invalid delimiter at position #2. Not | (pipe) or \\t (tab). Pipe is the only accepted delimeter. Any other delimeter in this position will cause the file to reject. |
Invalid end of record. Not |## or tab##. All records must end with |## or tab##. |
Invalid record header or data. Must be H (header) or D (data). Example: #|H|. |
Invalid Record Type. Is not a valid Record Type. |
Key_no missing in Header. |
Forwarder Id missing in Header. |
Agent Id missing in Header. |
Forwarder id is invalid; must match to firm assigned vEx ID. |
Key_no cannot be empty or blank - record 1120. |
Agent Id in file does not match agent_id on file. |
Data count vs header count does not match. |
Data is under the wrong HEADER. |
trans_ref_no - value: - Exceeded length of 25 for 2303 |
Invalid record header. Header record does not have valid fields. Valid fields vary depending on the record. You may refer to the vExchange Data Standard for the record below: Record 1000s and Record 2000s |
File (Pre-Validation) Checks
File Checks |
Missing Record Header in the file. |
## missing in the beginning or end of a record. |
Invalid delimiter at position #2. Not | (pipe). Pipe is the only accepted delimeter. Any other delimeter in this position will cause the file to reject. |
Invalid record header or data. Must be H (header) or D (data). Example: #|H| or #|D |
Is not a valid record type ID. |
“$” present in file. |
If forwarder id is missing from header. |
If agent id is missing from header. |
Blocked Extension: • If the application finds a blocked extension, it will reject the file immediately without opening it, by placing the file into your Rejections folder. • You will be notified via email as well as the Vertican team getting cc’d in the email. |
Zero file size check looks at the file size before processing. • If the application finds a zero size file, it will reject the file immediately without opening it, by placing the file into your Rejections folder. • You will be notified via email as well as the Vertican team getting cc’d in the email. |
Unzipping functionality: If the application encounters a .zip or a .ZIP file extension in the client’s toVertican folder, it will unzip the contents into the same folder and those files will be run through the pre-validator application. |