vExchange Native File Rejections

Video Tutorial: File Level Rejections

File Rejection Reasons

Rejection Reason
Not a valid file encoding. Expected file encoding is Unicode (UTF-8).
Invalid file extension (e.g. .xlsx, .pdf).
File size is zero; cannot be processed.
Invalid header standard. Header not numeric.

The header must be numeric.
Invalid data standard. No headers were found in the file.
Invalid data standard. Line cannot be blank.
Invalid data standard. Line consists of NULL.
Invalid data standard. Line consists of N/A.
Invalid data standard. First line cannot be blank.
Invalid data standard. Contains invalid characters.

Invalid characters are N/A and $.
File contains records of a type that are not allowed for the Receiver.
File contains records of a type that are not allowed for the Sender.
Record is too short.

Fields should be populated for the minimum requirements for the record.
Invalid character at position #1. Not (#).

The first character must be #.
Invalid delimiter at position #2. Not | (pipe) or \\t (tab).

Pipe is the only accepted delimeter. Any other delimeter in this position will cause the file to reject.
Invalid end of record. Not |## or tab##.

All records must end with |## or tab##.
Invalid record header or data. Must be H (header) or D (data). Example: #|H|.
Invalid Record Type. Is not a valid Record Type.
Key_no missing in Header.
Forwarder Id missing in Header.
Agent Id missing in Header.
Forwarder id is invalid; must match to firm assigned vEx ID.
Key_no cannot be empty or blank - record 1120.
Agent Id in file does not match agent_id on file.
Data count vs header count does not match.
Data is under the wrong HEADER.
trans_ref_no - value: - Exceeded length of 25 for 2303
Invalid record header. Header record does not have valid fields.

Valid fields vary depending on the record. You may refer to the vExchange Data Standard for the record below:

Record 1000s and Record 2000s

File (Pre-Validation) Checks

File Checks
Missing Record Header in the file.
## missing in the beginning or end of a record.
Invalid delimiter at position #2. Not | (pipe).

Pipe is the only accepted delimeter. Any other delimeter in this position will cause the file to reject.
Invalid record header or data. Must be H (header) or D (data).

Example: #|H| or #|D
Is not a valid record type ID.
“$” present in file.
If forwarder id is missing from header.
If agent id is missing from header.
Blocked Extension:

• If the application finds a blocked extension, it will reject the file immediately without opening it, by placing the file into your Rejections folder.

• You will be notified via email as well as the Vertican team getting cc’d in the email.

Zero file size check looks at the file size before processing.

• If the application finds a zero size file, it will reject the file immediately without opening it, by placing the file into your Rejections folder.

• You will be notified via email as well as the Vertican team getting cc’d in the email.

Unzipping functionality:

If the application encounters a .zip or a .ZIP file extension in the client’s toVertican folder, it will unzip the contents into the same folder and those files will be run through the pre-validator application.
Help Center > Self-Help Resources > vExchange > Tips & Troubleshooting > vExchange Native File Rejections